Bringing Baby Home
Even couples with strong and loving relationships are challenged during the transition to parenthood. Sleep deprivation (oh yes, it is real), unfinished chores, and changing financial demands can create profound stress and a steep drop in relationship satisfaction – all of which takes its toll on a baby’s care. The Gottman Institute‘s research-based and research tested Bringing Baby Home (BBH) Program is designed to prepare couples and be the best parenting team possible. In a relaxed and supportive environment, new parents learn the skills needed to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time.
Why attend the Bringing Baby Home seminar?
Having a baby is wonderful, but also incredibly stressful. Many new parents experience:
Relationship conflict
Increased Depression
Decreased quality of parent-infant interaction
Disappointment and hurt feelings

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Benefits of Bringing Home Baby seminar
The Bringing Home Baby has successfully taught couples the skills that they will need to preserve intimacy in their relationship, keep fathers involved with the baby, and help parents understand and appreciate infant development.
Maintain relationship satisfaction after having a baby
Reduce relationship hostility and increase affection
Promote positive parent-baby interactions
Promote quality involvement for both parents
Reduce the incidence or severity of postpartum mood disorders
Create strategies to co-parent with your partner
Improve communication
Strengthen friendship, intimacy, and conflict regulation skills
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