
The Root of All Pleasures

The Root of All Pleasures

Imagine a man stranded on an island that had his memory erased. He’s only able to rely on his instincts to survive. His throat starts to feel parched. He instinctively seeks out a way to quench his thirst. He starts with whatever moisture he can find and does not take...

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How to Practice Self-Compassion

How to Practice Self-Compassion

What is Self-Compassion? Prepare before your journey.Most people I know hold themselves to a higher standard than they hold others. This is pretty normal. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else possibly could. You know all of the ways in which you are...

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Unmask the Truth Behind Happiness

Unmask the Truth Behind Happiness

The opposite of pain is ___________? If you think the answer is pleasure, think again. Take a careful look at some of the greatest pleasures in your life. You will likely find that there is some effort, difficulty, or pain associated with it. Anyone with children...

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Avoiding Burnout from Video Conferencing

Avoiding Burnout from Video Conferencing

I recall the first time I experienced this phenomenon. After a three-hour graduate course online—without any brain breaks facilitated by the professor, mind you—I logged off and continued to stare in the direction of my laptop. I had to blink several times to restore...

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