
Intentional Change Requires Your Awareness

Intentional Change Requires Your Awareness

You may have heard a quote from the ancient Greek philosopher, Heroclitus that, “There is nothing permanent except change.” Or maybe, you’ve come across - a little more recently, “Change is the only constant in life”, Benjamin Franklin. Whether you want things to...

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Part III: Physiological Benefits of Writing

Part III: Physiological Benefits of Writing

In the previous two blog posts of this series, we discussed the therapeutic benefits of writing for our minds and ways writing can support our emotional wellbeing. In this third and final installment, our focus is the physiological or stress-relieving aspects of...

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing: Part II Emotional

The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing: Part II Emotional

Previously, we dove deep into the cognitive benefits of writing. Now, we shift our focus within the human brain to the space of emotion. There are countless therapeutic interventions that explore emotions and utilize writing, but none quite to the extent of Narrative...

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